Event Details

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BAU, the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, takes place every two years. Everyone who is involved in the planning, construction and design of buildings internationally comes together here: architects, planners, investors, industrial and commercial representatives, craftsmen and much more. BAU brings together the know-how of all sectors and trades at a high international level. It promotes creative exchange among each other, provides contacts and releases synergies. BAU was always the ideal place for investment decisions. It enables exhibitors to enter new, international markets and provides all visitors with real, practical future prospects and sustainable added value . Corporate design awarded – BAU wins iF Design Award! BAU, as the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, has courageously faced up to the latest challenges and revolutionized its own brand design in the process. The result is a lively corporate design that has now also been awarded the iF Design Award ! After the honor of receiving the Red Dot Design Award in silver, the iF Design Award once again confirms that the courage to change pays off. Our modern, grid-shaped logo breaks with conventional design approaches and embodies dynamism and adaptability - core elements that also characterize the construction industry itself. The recognition of our innovative rebranding by the iF Design Award underlines the creative skill of our renowned design partner, the Serviceplan Group. Together we created a design that makes the constant change in our industry tangible. It is a pleasure for us to be able to continue to drive this change forward together with our exhibitors, partners and trade fair visitors! BAU honored with silver at the Red Dot Design Award for Brand Design & Identity BAU, the world's leading trade fair for architecture, materials and systems, is moving with the times and has a new look. In summer 2023 we launched our fresh brand design , which has now been awarded the prestigious Red Dot Design Award in silver in the “Brand Design & Identity” category . Our award-winning rebranding, designed and implemented by the renowned Serviceplan Group agency team, celebrates change with a new design that represents the current development of architecture. It's more than just a logo - it's a living platform. By combining different shapes, an adaptive design is created that reflects the ongoing construction process and the flexibility of modern architecture. This honor from the Red Dot Design Award encourages us to continue to shape progress in architecture. We look forward to walking this path together with you. Pictured from left are Matthias Strauss, Exhibition Director BAU and Jan Simson, Brand Manager BAU.

BAU 2025 - International Trade Fair for Building Materials, Building Systems, Building Renovation in Munich

Event Organizers

Messe München GmbH