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REGENERATIVE AND BIOGENIC MATERIALS IN CONSTRUCTION For the fourth year in a row, Building Green focuses on bio-based materials and invites the industry to meet and discuss how we can get even more biogenic construction in the Danish industry and contribute to lowering construction's climate and environmental footprint. At the conference, you can hear about how the construction industry can become better at embracing and using bio-based materials. You get your bag filled with good arguments for bio-based construction, which you can use in front of customers, builders and business partners. Get lots of concrete examples of the potential in biogenic construction and architecture and be inspired by some of the leaders in the field at home and internationally. You will focus on some of the challenges that are particularly related to the production of the materials. If we are to change the entire construction industry to use other materials, it requires that the materials are available, and it will require a major restructuring of the way we in Denmark use our land. Can we get the area cabal to go up, so that we both meet the needs of construction, make it possible to carry out the other tasks that the landscape has to fulfill, in the form of agriculture, infrastructure, energy production, etc., and at the same time use the areas in a way that is gentle on the environment and biodiversity? This year we present our most ambitious program to date, with speakers from five countries and representatives from many different parts of the value chain. The transition is not something you can do alone, and therefore it is important to meet across silos and be inspired by how to approach the challenges across borders. Look forward to two intense days with bio-based building materials in focus! Mark your calendars on the 21st-22nd. August 2024!

BIO-BASED BUILDING MATERIALS 2024 - Conference on Sustainable Construction Solutions

Event Organizers

Insight Events ApS