Event Details

Organized By

The exhibition "Orthodox Russia" has been held in St. Petersburg since 1995 and has long become a wonderful opportunity for thousands of St. Petersburg residents to get to know Orthodox culture and traditions better, worship the Holy Relics, submit notes to distant monasteries, talk to a priest on exciting topics, and, of course, make useful and pleasant purchases. From February 11 to 17, 2025, the 39th All-Russian exhibition and fair "Orthodox Russia" will be held in St. Petersburg with the blessing of Metropolitan Varsonofy of St. Petersburg and Ladoga. The venue will traditionally be Vasilievsky Island, or more precisely, the S.M. Kirov Palace of Culture (St. Petersburg, V.O., Bolshoy pr., 83). The spiritual center of the exhibition will be the revered shrines, before which daily prayers will be held. Traditionally, the exhibition includes not only the exposition of stands of more than 100 Russian and foreign participants (these are monasteries, churches, icon painting and jewelry workshops, large publishing houses, pilgrimage services, secular organizations associated with their activities with the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as craft and monastery workshops, farms and peasant households), but also an extensive spiritual and educational program. The exhibition "Orthodox Rus'" is a project for everyone. Church organizations can find benefactors and helpers here, representatives of churches can establish useful contacts, purchase church vestments and utensils, liturgical literature, lay visitors to the exhibition will be able to get to know Orthodox art, literature, everyday life, talk about exciting topics with priests and get advice, submit notes to distant monasteries and assist in the restoration of churches, as well as purchase books and icons, jewelry and art products, church utensils and monastery handicrafts, original handicrafts and craft products, clothing and textiles made from natural fabrics, environmentally friendly medicinal herbs, honey and high-quality products from monastery and farms.

HOLY RUSSIA - ST. PETERSBURG 2025: Church Architecture, Construction & Restoration, Book-Printing, Church Utensils, Religion Education

Event Organizers

Restec Exhibition Company