Event Details

Organized By

  • contact @icold-cigb.org
  • Comité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs

Join us at the ICOLD European Club Symposium 2024, dedicated to exploring the future of dams in Europe amidst a changing environment. Organized by CIGB - ICOLD and Comité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs, this biennial event brings together industry experts, policymakers, and stakeholders to discuss the prospects and challenges surrounding dams. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into clean energies, renewable energies, energy production, environmental protection, and more in the field of dam construction and operation. Description: The ICOLD EUROPEAN CLUB SYMPOSIUM 2024 is a highly anticipated event that will take place in May 2024 (exact dates to be confirmed) at a location soon to be announced. This symposium will delve into the future of dams in Europe and the prospects and challenges they face amid a changing environment. With the theme of "The future of Dams (in Europe): Prospects and Challenges in a changing Environment," this symposium offers a platform for experts, industry leaders, policymakers, and researchers to engage in meaningful discussions, exchange knowledge, and shape the future of dam infrastructure in Europe. The symposium is organized by CIGB - ICOLD (International Commission on Large Dams) and Comité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs (CFBR). As the leading organizations in the field, they bring together a wealth of expertise and knowledge to ensure that this event provides valuable insights and actionable strategies. Attendees of the ICOLD EUROPEAN CLUB SYMPOSIUM 2024 will have the opportunity to explore various topics related to dams, including clean energies, renewable energies, energy production, environmental protection, and the overall building and construction of dam infrastructure. Experts in electrical and electro-technical engineering will also contribute their insights. This symposium is a must-attend event for industry professionals, researchers, academics, and policymakers, offering a unique opportunity to network, learn, and discuss the future of dams in Europe. Don't miss out on this important gathering of thought leaders and register today for the ICOLD EUROPEAN CLUB SYMPOSIUM 2024.

ICOLD EUROPEAN CLUB SYMPOSIUM 2024 - The Future of Dams (in Europe): Prospects and Challenges in a Changing Environment

Event Organizers

CIGB - ICOLDComité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs