Event Details

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The event At KazAgro/KazFarm 2023, 300 international companies exhibited the latest technologies and products in the fields of agriculture, animal husbandry and food processing. The participation of companies from 20 countries, including joint stands from Germany, underscores the international character of the trade fair. More than 20,000 trade visitors found out about modern agricultural technology and animal husbandry products. The exhibition is supported by the Kazakh Ministry of Agriculture and the German VDMA eV. Once again, there will be an official German joint participation at KazAgro/KazFarm 2024, sponsored by the BMEL , which will enable German companies and their Kazakhstani branches or partners to present their “Made in Germany” products in an attractive setting. Profit from: a high-quality stand construction, an information stand with lounge and catering for your customer meetings, an entry in the separate exhibitor directory “Made in Germany” and on www.german-pavilion.com technical and organizational support before and during the trade fair. The market As the ninth largest country in the world (2.7 million sq. km), Kazakhstan has great agricultural potential, which has so far only been used to a limited extent. There is a great need for modern agricultural technology, know-how and efficient irrigation systems. Kazakhstan plans to invest US$2 billion in the construction of irrigation systems, water reservoirs and wells by 2022, thus responding to the growing water shortage in the country. Other measures that the government plans to implement for agriculture by 2022 include import substitution, diversification of cultivation, subsidies for small and medium-sized businesses, incentives to form cooperatives and export promotion. The aim is, among other things, to increase agricultural production on the Kazakh market in order to increase exports and achieve self-sufficiency in the country. The aim is to diversify agricultural products in order to promote soil fertility, develop new value chains and have a positive influence on yield and price fluctuations. The aim here is to grow fodder plants, oilseeds (sunflowers, soy) and grain legumes (peas, lentils). Small businesses and home farms are to be increasingly subsidized in the future in order to increase production with modern technology and know-how. So far, it has mainly been large businesses that have benefited from subsidies. International manufacturers of agricultural machinery, irrigation systems and equipment and products for animal husbandry are benefiting from the increasing demand in Kazakhstan.

KAZAGRO / KAZFARM 2024 - International Exhibition for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry

Event Organizers

DLG International GmbHIEC ExpoGroup Ltd.IFWexpo Heidelberg GmbH