Event Details

Organized By

Exhibition has been held since 1994. According to the overwhelming majority of Russian and foreign exhibitors, the most popular platform for the presentation of new products and effective business communication in the children's industry. Mir Detstva The largest B2B exhibition and congress for the children's industry in Russia, Eastern Europe and the CIS that brings together professionals who produce and purchase quality products Mir Detstva is Effective face-to-face networking and sales solutions Opportunity to see all branches of the children's industry Maximum exposure among professionals before launch of new products or new lines Up-to-date information on market conditions: the best brands, the latest trends and new technologies Opportunity to promote the image of your company and brand Evaluation of consumer preferences during face-to-face meetings with both existing and future partners Finding solutions to your business needs and challenges just in four days helps to save your time EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds: a unique venue unparalleled anywhere in Russia, well-developed infrastructure, convenient location in the centre of Moscow A chance to take part in multiple business related events that reflect the interests of the business community and offer more opportunities to exchange ideas and experience

MIR DETSTVA 2025 - International Exhibition of Goods for Children and Teenagers at Moscow

Event Organizers

ZAO Expocentr