Event Details

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Join us at QA&TEST 2023, the premier international conference on testing and software quality for embedded systems. Taking place in Bilbao from October 18 - 20, 2023, this event is a must-attend for professionals in the software engineering, real-time systems, and embedded systems industries. Organized by Innovalia, the conference offers valuable insights, networking opportunities, and the latest trends in measurement, control, testing, quality, and maintenance. Don't miss out; register today! Description: QA&TEST 2023 is the world-class event for professionals in the testing and software quality industry. With a focus on embedded systems, this international conference is a hub for software engineering experts, real-time systems enthusiasts, and those involved in measurement, control, testing, quality, and maintenance. Taking place from October 18 - 20, 2023 at the esteemed Palacio de Congresos Euskalduna in Bilbao, QA&TEST 2023 promises to deliver a comprehensive program filled with presentations from renowned experts, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities with industry leaders. Organized by Innovalia, a leading innovation company, this annual event gathers a trade public from around the globe seeking to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in software quality and testing methodologies. Explore the exhibition area showcasing cutting-edge technologies and solutions, participate in hands-on demos, and discover the future of embedded systems testing. QA&TEST 2023 is your gateway to expanding your knowledge, amplifying your professional network, and gaining insights into the most advanced approaches in the field. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the international testing and software quality community at QA&TEST 2023. Register now and secure your spot at this essential event.

QA&TEST 2023 - International Conference on Testing and Software Quality on Embedded Systems

Event Organizers
