Organizer Details

  • Advent Group
  • 103, rue La Fayette75010 Paris France +33 (0)1 44 63 03 78

About Advent Group

Advent Group is a worldwide leader in education and career development. Established in 2004, we offer tailored business solutions, and individual counseling services, along with organizing specialized events for education and career growth. Connect with us today to explore opportunities to augment your professional journey.

Advent Group


ACCESS MBA - TORONTO 2023: Connecting Prospective Students with MBA Opportunities
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ACCESS MBA - BOGOTA 2023: Opening the Door to MBA Opportunities in Bogotá
ACCESS MBA - LIMA 2023: Unlock Your Future with an MBA Education
ACCESS MBA - SANTIAGO 2023: Explore Your MBA Opportunities
ACCESS MBA - SÃO PAULO 2023: Empowering your Future in Business Education
ACCESS MBA - SHANGHAI 2023: Unlocking Your MBA Potential in the Vibrant City
ACCESS MBA - HONG KONG 2023: Exploring Global MBA Opportunities
ACCESS MBA - BUDAPEST 2024: Discover Your Path to an Outstanding MBA Program!
ACCESS MBA - PRAGUE 2023 - Unlock Your Future with an MBA Degree
ACCESS MBA - SINGAPORE 2023 - Connecting Prospective Students with MBA Opportunities