Event Details

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The Global Gathering For All Art Music Professionals Expo / Conference / Showcase Festival / Networking Classical:NEXT is the global networking and exchange hub dedicated exclusively to classical and art music, for all professionals – artists, managers, presenters, orchestras, labels, educators, press, media, publishers and more. Classical:NEXT consists of an interactive conference, project pitches, showcase concerts, expo, innovation award and networking. By taking part in Classical:NEXT, you join over 1,000 professionals from more than 45 countries worldwide. In the Showcases, artists and productions are presented in a series of short concerts offering artistic directors, concert bookers, journalists and more a unique opportunity to gain an overview of artistic activity within a short space of time. The Conference offers presentations, seminars, discussions, one-to-one and roundtable mentoring and other formats to help delegates tackle burning issues and to keep up with changes, trends and innovations around the world. Within the Conference, you will also find Project Pitches: targeted, fast-moving opportunities for creators and those on the lookout for new creations, a “seek-and-find” for collaboration and inspiration. The Expo exhibits the work of labels, publishers, agents, festivals, associations and others, and offers a meeting point for all delegates and serves as the main networking hub. Developing partnerships and forging relationships lies at the heart of Classical:NEXT and the global networking runs through each activity of the event. It’s the prime opportunity to connect, learn and share with colleagues near and far.

CLASSICAL:NEXT 2023 - Global Networking and Exchange Hub for Classical and Art Music

Event Organizers
