Organizer Details

  • SIAL Canada & SET Canada
  • 300, rue Léo-Pariseau, bureau 1100C.P. 159, Place du ParcMontréal, Québec, H2X 4A4 Canada +1 (514) 289-9669 +1 (514) 289-1034

About SIAL Canada & SET Canada

SIAL Canada is the leading name in the agri-food industry, with more than 1200 national and international exhibitors from more than 50 countries hosting over 25,000 buyers from Canada, the United States, and 60 other countries. This event showcases products from the food and beverage sectors, providing an opportunity for networking and business growth.

SIAL Canada & SET Canada


SIAL CANADA - MONTREAL 2024: International Food, Beverage, Wine and Spirits Exhibition for North American Distribution Industry