Organizer Details

  • ZAO Expocentr
  • 1A Sokolnicheski ValMoscow 123100 Russia +7 (495) 255 37 23/33 +7 (495) 205 80 55

About ZAO Expocentr

Expocentr is a leading exhibition organizer in Russia, hosting a myriad of exhibitions, trade fairs, and conferences that cater to various business sectors annually. Providing a platform for professionals to connect, collaborate, and expand their networks, the website offers detailed information about upcoming events, including registration, participating vendors, and schedules. Navigate through the exhibitions calendar to plan your visit or explore opportunities to showcase your business at the Expocentr.

ZAO Expocentr


CJF 2023 - International Exhibition for Child and Junior Fashion, Maternity Wear
INTERLAKOKRASKA 2024 - International Specialized Exhibition and Conference for Paints and Varnishes
INLEGMASH 2024: International Exhibition for Equipment and Technologies in the Light Industry, Technical Textile, and Nonwovens
PHOTONICA: Lasers, Optics and Applications 2024 - International Specialized Exhibition in Moscow
NAVITECH-EXPO 2024: Exhibition of Navigation Systems, Technologies, and Services
SVIAZ-EXPOCOMM 2024 - International Exhibition for Telecommunications, Control Systems, IT and Communication Services
LESDREVMASH 2024 - International Exhibition for Woodworking Machinery and Equipment in Moscow
CRYOGEN-EXPO 2024 - International Cryogenics, Helium, and Vacuum Equipment Exhibition
MIR DETSTVA 2024 - International Exhibition of Goods for Children and Teenagers at Moscow
AGROPRODMASH 2024 - International Exhibition of Agricultural Equipment, Farming, Food Processing Industries, Trading Equipment, Packaging, Flower-growing
TECHNOFORUM 2023 - International Trade Show for Construction Materials Processing